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How are your hybridizing projects going now that it's spring?

16 years ago

Hi. Although we have had a very cold, wet spring...colder than normal, I have several seedlings, from a Feb. sowing under lights and with bottom heat. Only two of the hostas from which I gathered seeds germinated. But, one of them seems to have taken a cross I made between what I believe is Big Daddy, and a third generation green hosta, grown from F1 mixed seed. This one is very interesting...only 3 seedlings, but they are much larger than any of the other seedlings. The third generation Heucheras (self-pollinated), are also very interesting. Most of babies are green like their parent, but some are showing tracings of red. The seed from a packet of Pacific Giants Delphinium babies, proved to be very fertile. I have close to 40 of them. My biggest problem at this time, is the cold night temps. in the 30's. All of my Feb. seedlings were transplanted into communal pots. Normally, by this time of year, I would be putting these into the garden, or into individual pots. With this really cold weather, I guess I just have to thin some of the plants out and put them in another communial pot, even though the really hardy plants have been hardened off for quite a long time, under the clear fiberglass roof of the porch. So, thats were I am. As this was my first deliberate attempt at collecting seed, and trying some crosses, I'm kind of excited. How about you! Sambal

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