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I may never put the heat on again!

12 years ago

Linearis has 7-10 umbels, with 5 of them about to open. Jeez what a fall this has been! I may never put the heat on again :) Got me some merino wool undies and I am good for go.

Don't you just love that plant? All floppy and soft with those pale little buds that open into the most modest little flowers? Sometimes I just cannot believe that it is a hoya, when you start out with a monstrous carnosa as your first plant. Mind you, who'da thunk retusa, and curtisii were hoyas too?

I'm speechless today with the wonder of plants. Sundays are the day I tidy everyone up, give everyone a big drink, and cluck like a Mother Hen at new growth and umbels. Such a nice, relaxing time ya know? I'd like to hear about your favorite time with your plants too...

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