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A Proven Remedy for Squirrel Digging

Ludicious Acres
11 years ago

100% credit goes to Moccasinlanding. I am not saying she is the pioneer of the technique, but it was from her that I was first introduced.

Since last week I have noticed a lot of squirrel activity in my pots. I would wake up and take my morning stroll and see that they had dug up a good 6 or 7 different pots. I would fill in the holes and reset the soil, only to come back that night and have them all torn up again.

Frustration . . .

So I took a note from one of Mocc's posts last year and bought some cayenne pepper, PURE - no salt no additives. Per her instructions, I sprinkled it all over the tops of my potted plants.

Two days now there has been ZERO squirrel activity.

TAKE THAT !!! Furry little brats.

The only disadvantage is that the top coat needs reapplied after any hand watering or rain. But it takes mere minutes to take the shaker and reapply. I am happy it worked and is also non-invasive chemically. I ended up getting 4 pounds shipped in bulk for $27.00 from Amazon. That much should last me well into next year, if not longer.

Hope this helps others. :) I'm ecstatic to finally have a solution.

Cheers !


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