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Plants you can plant right into our sandy soils?

11 years ago

As I've really just been into gardening for a couple months now, my compost pile is pretty much nonexistent. I may have found a place for free horse manure, but I don't know when I can borrow my brothers truck again.

So, what plants/seeds can go right into our sandy central florida soil and still do fine? So far I've figured out that milkweed does fine. It was looking so bad in the pot that I planted it right in the sand about a month ago and it's doubled in size, so I guess it doesn't mind.

Any other stuff that likes the sand?

Additionally, I seem to have managed to kill my agastache and rudbeckia. They weren't really getting enough direct sun, just indirect light, but they had still bloomed pretty much all summer. A couple weeks ago I got a bag of milorganite for the roses and banana and gave them each a little bit too. They died about 2 weeks later. It was so fast! Are those two plants that just don't like fertilizer? Additionally, I had amended the soil, but it seemed like the roots shrank back to almost nothing, like they didn't like the topsoil and blackcow I planted them in. Are they sand lovers that I killed with kindness? I have one agastache left, I rinsed off the remaining milorginate, dug it up and planted it in full sun directly into the sandy soil I have here. It's still alive but lingering. Any other suggestions for what may have gone wrong?

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