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Misadventures with Mail Order and The Big Orange Box

13 years ago

Yesterdays blooms and what I promise is my last hem purchase of the year! ;o)~

Bringing Joy




Little Grapette


Bringing Joy...hmmm... before the fan had bloomed I was able to find 3 different pics of Bringing Joy in bloom, needless to say, all 3 pics look different from each other and my bloom is somewhere in between the the 3.

So I'll accept it as Bringing Joy, keeping in mind that it may be a TC and that overall performance should improve as the plant matures. It's listed as being a late bloomer, which is something I've been looking for anyway, so I'll see how it does next year

The NOID was sold and packaged as Purple De Oro and is obviously not Purple De Oro, though it is pretty and looks sort of spidery, so I'll find a home somewhere in one of the beds for it. I wonder if it could be a species hem? I'll have to check the species hem website and compare.

Both Bringing Joy and the NOID, considering they were both shipped as pretty small root clusters with very small fans of 2-3 leaves, the fact that they even bloomed at all is a plus to me and bodes well for their future in my beds if nothing else.

LG, I had considered buying earlier in the season but it wasnt in bloom at the time, so I had passed it up.

But, while at the BOB retailer picking up some moo-nure, mulch, a nice bright yellow potentilla(bought for 50% off FTW!) and a purple smoke bush shrub/tree(never fear I'll be grooming it to be small tree over the next few years!).

There LG was with 1 scape with about 8 buds and 1 open bloom, I couldnt resist it, I didnt have any purple hems, so it HAD to come home with me! *giggle* The color is a bit spotty, but I'll chalk that up to it being watered or rained on earlier in the day.

Now I'm off to research my ever growing wishlist!


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