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Have you seen any Blackburn's sphinx?

19 years ago

I just decided to take a look at this forum because I rear/breed sphinx and silk moths. I'm just curious if anyone on the Big Island or Maui has seen any of these large hawkmoths or their larvae? They look like our native North American tomato hornworms but are about 2" longer. The moths look like Carolina sphinx [aka. six-spotted hawkmoth, tobacco hornworm].

If anyone growing tomatoes, potatoes or any other nightshade plants shold see any of these, please post about them here or on the butterfly garden page. Don't kill or capture any of them. They are officially listed by USFWS as endangered. They are endangered because of ants and parasitic wasps, both of which are not native to Hawaii.

It would just be great to hear from someone out there who has some around their garden and can observe them and post about it here.

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