There are only a few pictures at each URL. Copy and past into your browser. It is best to open a new browser window, otherwise one has to go back each picture. The pictures are on a dedicated server with no pop-ups or advertising, only the pictures which may be enlarged by clicking on the thumbnail.The growth in the last two weeks, when the weather warmed has been phenomenal, as it should be.
10 June 2006. Flowers on Orange Prince or Cape Daisy. Started from seed indoors.
This was started indoors. My intention was to grow a very tall sunflower (Titan) so I prepared a special place, hoping for a tall one. I don't think it should be in bloom yet if it is a tall one. Fortunately, I have another about the same height, which has no flower, which I am hoping is the tall type. Time will tell. Anyway it is rather attractive, particularly at this time of year 10 June 2006. The wind can be strong at times, so I supported it with an eight foot rebar as a precaution against damage.
These are pictures of my two plants in different locations. They are a sure sign that summer is upon us. They usually look attractive from a few feet away.
Always a nice addition to yard plants.
I grew these plants from seed. This is the third year. I grew about six plants and in the first year the European Crane fly, leatherjackets, demolished all but these two. I intend to get some other colours for next year.
Marigold Crackerjack (Tagetes erecta) These two were grown from seed and started indoors. This plant flowers all summer and gets quite large and sometimes needs support, since it gets so heavily laden with flowers. It will sometimes start a new plant where the stem touches the ground.
I grew this Mandevilla last year and kept it indoors during the winter. The colour was only pink, now it has a red flower on the same plant. Very pretty and never without flowers all summer long.
Passiflora Caerulea. Another flower today 3 June 2006
Picture two and three are probably closest to the true colour.
A clematis plant in the neighborhood, Brantford, ON. This plant has flowered profusely during the last three years, that I have been observing it. It is certainly an eye-catching bloom. Another neigborhood Clematis.
While inspecting the garden this morning 10 June 2006, I found two cauliflower plants with the flowering heads. They were about fist size, and impossible to see unless standing over the plant.. To insure they are white and not sunburnt I wrapped the inner leaves around the head as shown in the last two pictures. Cauliflower is a cold weather crop and is usually planted in July so they will mature in the cool fall season. It will be interesting to see how well they produce by starting in April and picking in June. This is my second attempt at growing these plants and the first time was a disaster many years ago. There are a total of 12 plants and only two have visible flowers.
Four pictures of vegetables with captions on bottom left.
I lost some tomatoe plants due to planting too early, but simply replanted. The tomato plants are several varieties of two plants each to determine the best for my region. The cuccumbers were started indoors and now have runners. They will climb the trellis of 4 by 8 feet metal structure on both sides. All the plants are thriving for this early in the year.
Zone 5. There are three rows of about 24 feet. One row of Pontiac (red) and one row of Superior (white), plus a mixed row. Unfortunately, I planted the rows only two feet apart and had to truck in five wheelbarrows of dirt to hill the plants. No sign of the Colarado Potato Beatle as yet. These potatoes were planted in April, just when the grass started to show some growth. The two major frosts we had did not affect the plants in the least. The first full blossoms appeared today 10 June 2006.
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