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Pumpkins rotting off vine before the flower even blooms

15 years ago

Hello Expert Gardeners,

I have a home garden, planted a lot of happy healthy pumpkin vines. Pumpkin vines growing everywhere but the female flowers grow, have a baby pumpkin at the vine, but never grow large enough to bloom and never give it a chance to be pollinated. The pumpkin shrinks, turns yellow and falls off. This has happened to every pumpkin that has started this year. 7+ and counting. I know it's a lack of polination b/c the flower never grew large enough to even open. How can I promote the female flower to grow enough to open. Can anyone give me tips to why this is happening and what I can do to promote pumpkin growth. This is the 3rd year in a row this has happened. Could it be the ph balance of the soil, poor fertilizer, or watering issues? One master gardner told me it could be male flowers on the female fruit??? I'm open to any ideas.


Rob in VA

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