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Plastic 2-Liter Soda bottles vs aluminum cans

16 years ago

Hi everyone!

I was just at the grocery store and found myself in a quandry...do I buy the plastic 2-Liter bottle of soda to pour in my own glasses, therefore reducing waste, OR buy the aluminum cans, which are recyclable? I am relatively new to the 'going green' lifestyle, and I am not sure which one overall is better. My instincts said the 2-Liter bottle- less to produce, so in theory, less energy used, less to recycle, etc. However, I have not looked into the actual process of recycling plastic vs aluminum, so I was not sure which was actually better/more efficient.

Am I getting to nit-picky here? My teenager thinks I have lost my mind.

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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