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jasmine propagation by airlayering

11 years ago

I tried 1st time air layering stem for j.grandduke supreme and it worked. It took 4 months for roots to show and today I cut the plant off main stem where it grew roots and potted it separately. Felt like sharing with fragrant gardenweb members so that they can try this themselves to make big plants. The benefit of this is you get good roots and have instant big plant instead of plant started from cutting. Select semi-hardwood stem for air-layering. I was not sure that I would be successful with this and did not take pics at the time of air-layering.

Process for air layering:

1. Materials needed to perform air layering include a sharp instrument, fresh sphagnum moss, root tone, clear plastic wrap and wire for tying the plastic The moss must be soaked in water for about 20-30 minutes before using.

2. Utilizing a sharp blade the area must be cut (ringed) around the trunk and then repeated approximately (1) one inch above or below the original cut, the larger the branch the greater the distance between the cuts, The area between the cuts must then be removed by cutting or scraping, taking care to NOT go to deep into stem.

3. Taking the sphagnum moss that has been soaking in water, squeeze out minimal water and form a square pad 2-3 inches wide. Sprinkle the rooting hormone on the pad liberally and form the pad around the branch or trunk. Wrap the entire pad with the plastic.

4. For me roots formed in 3 months. Once the roots have developed enough I separated the plant by cutting the stem off right below roots from the original.

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