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what greens to plant (and when) for now, Fall & Winter?

20 years ago

Hi all -

I tried a Winter garden last year - I think I started the seeds late in the season, so many didn't get very big. Some made it through to Spring, which provided for some chard, purple sprouting broccoli, and a few lettuce varieties when the weather started warming up. I got a bunch of lovely salad greens through the early part of the growing season, but they have bolted now, and I think it's probably too hot to get much of that sort of thing to grow without going to seed right away. I live in the Pacific Northwest (South West coast of Canada). Any tips on what I can plant now to have greens this Summer / Fall? And what about getting the timing right to get plants big enough in the Fall to be able to harvest leaves over the Winter? When would it be okay to start things in a cold-frame - obviously it's too hot now? We just moved a month ago, and unfortunately had to leave our garlic behind before the bulbs were ready. Will have to try growing some more this year - we've finally bought our own home (paying off a loan now rather than rent), so I feel much more comfortable about investing time and energy into our new garden without having to worry about moving any time soon.

Thanks folks,

- Faerie

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