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I'm a little proud of my...

Do you have some secret (not so secret now, lol!) pride about something in or about your garden? Is there an area of your garden you are particularly pleased with having created? Is there some project or object you did for your garden that secretly puffs you up a bit (go ahead and brag!)? Perhaps there is even some plant you get personal gratification from- maybe you grew this tricky fellow from seed or are able to over winter it or get it to grow when few others can?

Here is my current pride...


My lettuce bed! Honestly I have come up with some real hair-brained garden projects. Fortunately this one tuned out good! I put the main raised veggie bed in last spring and then got a smaller side wing done this spring that was especially for lettuce and spinach. It was sloooooow growing for them at first, but now they have shot up! I put some netting over it when the birds started pecking at it a month ago. So pleased with this little bed.

So what are you a weensy bit proud of in your garden?


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