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Important thread to all Far North Gardeners - Please Read

18 years ago

My apologies to all for the length. Please respond in this thread with your

opinions and comments.

This is a formal request to the administration of GardenWeb forums to

please provide us with a "conversations" forum and a gallery. Since

joining this forum in January of 2005, I have made many close friends

and enjoy talking to them everyday. The Far North forum has become a

regular part of my life and I know that I am not alone in this. We are

very active on this forum and also very friendly. Many newcomers to

the forum, besides being given a warm welcome by the regular members,

are invited to participate in our voluntary "roll call". This allows everyone

to get to know them right from the start. Within a couple of posts, the new

member has joined in and is very comfortable.

Threads drop off of this forum very quickly and this is due to one very

important reason. The members of the Far North forum are extremely

good conversationalists and we converse with each other on a very

regular, daily basis. I'm sure that the administration of GardenWeb

forums has, or has access to, the statistics of how many average

threads per day are started and how many responses are generated on

average per thread. I am not aware of just how many forums on

GardenWeb have a "conversations" forum, but I know I frequently see

them and wonder about the amount of activity on that particular forum

to warrant one. Far North forum has a very steady input of new

threads. It is rare that there is not at least one new thread or

response to threads every normal waking hour.

We also appeal for a "gallery" section. Our gardens are a source of

pride and wonderment for all of us. We wouldn't be here if that was

not so. I just gave a very basic count of the number of pictures

posted on the current page one of our forum. We have posted 167

pictures in 30 threads. This does not include any links. These are

only directly posted pictures. Many of these pictures are enhanced

with borders or special effects. These pictures may be utilized as a

source for new plant material for following seasons or ideas to use in

garden development. They also could be of someone's dog, cat, bird or

fish. But, the point is we all enjoy looking at them very much. They

also serve a very important role in learning about problems members

may encounter in their gardening. Unfortunately, the pictures drop off

with the threads at a very fast rate and our lost to us without the

foresight to save them forever them to our own computer. A gallery

would certainly help us to preserve them for a longer period of time.

Several of us are concerned about a recent deletion of a thread from

one of our friends letting us know she wouldn't be posting for a few

days. This was removed from our forum within a short period of time.

We do agree that her thread was considered a non-gardening issue, but

if this member had not informed us she was not going to be posting for

a few days, and we did not see her posting, many of us would be worried

that something had happened to her. We would be able to send her an

e-mail, but under the circumstances, it would have gone unread. This

thread gave us the understanding as to why she was not available. If

the Far North was given a "conversations" forum, this type of thread

could be put into that forum and no one would be worried.

I ask that the members of Far North forum to respond to this thread

with their wishes , positive or negative, for this petition. It will

be forwarded to the administrator for further consideration.

Thank you for your opinions.



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