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For all conifer collectors

Pinus x schwerinii 'Wiethorst' and Abies koreana 'Ice Breaker' (Kohout's Ice Breaker is the trade name) have been chosen as the ACS 2014 Collectors Conifers of the Year.

This is the ninth year that a limited supply of this year's selections are being made available to members with the proceeds to benefit the ACS scholarship fund.

Here's a chance to add two great specimens to your collection and to help a young horticultural student advance our understanding of conifers and promote their appeal!

I have both of these great plants - 'Wiethorst' cones at an unbelievably early age and has lovely long, soft needles. 'Ice Breaker' is simply too cute for words!

Check 'em out!


Here is a link that might be useful: 2014 Collectors Conifers of the Year

This post was edited by formandfoliage on Sat, Nov 2, 13 at 11:10

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