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Working on Projects again!

11 years ago

I have been busy this past week.

Firt thing I want to show is my azalea shubs on the hill right off the patio that I cut way back. I do this every two years so that these right here don't grow really large and cut off the view to the things about it.

Yesterday I amused myself pounding in these green fence posts and putting up the trellis netting in the only path that cuts thru the big mid backyard beds.

Another view. I am planning on growing cucumber and melon on this trellis. I have started seedlings. I already have some cucumbers planted along this path but I needed to do something as this is the only place I can figgure out to plant the seedlings I have recently started.

These were green metal coated fence posts 7 feet that I got a Home Depot afew years ago. You can see how the trellis netting just hooks in the little hooks on the posts.

In keeping with the veggie crazies, I am doing Florida Weave on the tomato plants in the new veggie garden. No cages required!

And I strung sting in between the spaces on the tomato cages in my bean pots for them to wind up around.

It looks nice in the new veggie garden area.

The big project I have been working on for more than a week is a rose moving project from an area around the other side of the porch. I finished the moving yesterday. Five roses moved compleatly out of the garden and ten roses moved and relocated to other rose beds.


Here is the dug out area.

Another view


The green fence post I just laid out on the ground is measured 3 feet from the house. Veggies get planted on the outside of this line. I will be moving it out as I plan to put sunflowers there along by the house in front of the honeysuckle. I just need to get an idea of were 3 feet out was away from the house.


Honeysuckle grows on a trellis along the house. This is not moving and staying exactly as it.

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