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Fond Garden Stories....

17 years ago

Another post I enjoyed reading began me thinking....lets share some fond garden memories we might have with each other...our gardens instill so much into our lives.....maybe it would be a funny experience while working in the garden...or a sad or happy story that a certain plant reminds you of, a great party memory in your garden..or a child experience in your garden..or a memory of your childhood that involves a garden...lets take the time to remember how our gardens really do impact our lives and memories over the years.....

here is mine..

This story has been in my family for years...and I often think of it when I pass a cemetary or a extremely cottagey garden and home.....

My great great grandpa...whom I never knew other than thru stories was a mailman by day and a extremely avid gardener by night....nothing exotic...basic "country garden" varieties...but lots and lots and lots of them....he would raise flowers by the zillions on a small city lot in a small town in Indiana. He would come home after delivery mail by day (by foot in those days or by horse) and work for hours each night tending his gardens....Just down the dirt city street a bit, around a sharp s curve from his white clapboard two story home with its huge big front wrapped porch, was the local town cemetary....his family and the family before them were all buried there as were many friends and neighbors and war vets, some he knew...some he never did....He raised his zillions of those flowers for one purpose and it became his lives keep fresh flowers on ALL the graves there, whether he knew them or on Sundays after church, he would drag his entire family along to help share the wealth of flowers.....first they would cut the flowers from the garden....load them into buckets of cold water drawn from the well and on to a big horse drawn wagon..then off the the cemetary they would go....big kids, little kids and mothers with babies alike....everyone took a bucket and exchanged last weeks flowers on each and every grave with this freshest, prettiest bunch fresh from his garden....when each and every grave was completed and newly decorated...the wagon was loaded back up..and they headed back home for a home cooked dinner at grandpa's house and games on the lawn while the menfolk talked "man talk" and the woman talked "babies". The locals in town said you could always count on gr. gr. grandpa come rain or shine to keep the place beautiful..and if you got sick, he would ring your doorbell with a bouquet to brighten your illness. Sometimes just leaving them at your door and slipping quietly away. None of his children or grandchildren ever became much of a gardener.....but his green thumb blood lives on in some of his great great grandchildren and great great great grandchildren......that is what a real gardener is all about...sharing the wealth...

Please share your stories with us....I am sure we all have great garden memories or are at work today creating them for those we love...don't be shy.....share with us...on hot summer days we could all use some inspiration...

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