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Online nursery reviews, 2011(continued)

Earlier this year I posted recent reviews on two very established online collector conifer nurseries - Coenosium Gardens(Eatonville, Wa.) and Porterhowse Farms(Sandy, Oregon). Both nurseries are smaller operations but their quality, selection and longevity in the trade is so well established that realistically, reviews of their great wares is more informative then any kind of revelation. They're two very fine choices for conifers of the rare and tiny.

Lately more people have been experiencing good and not so good orders from other companies. Orignally a couple years ago during my conifer-collecting infancy(ie. my frenzy year), I did reviews on some 15 online nurseries. I know many are more well known now but with online nurseries and their potential offers varying so wildly, I figured it would be well met by newer collectors or those interested in new sources.

I've spent some time tonight compiling a couple more reviews and I'll try and do two more at some point during an overtime shift at work on the weekend.

First before I start, I'd like to recommend other people readily chime in here or post their own reviews, either using my format or something of their own. The bottom line is that my days of making a few dozen conifer orders a season are over. The newer collectors and those experiencing these orders can offer more then I can.

Without further ado, a review on:


Girard's Nurseries.

I've tried to include information about nurseries whenever possible, but apart that Girard's Nursery is located in Geneva, Ohio, I really don't know them well enough to offer any additional information. I do know they offer MANY types of plants, not just conifers.

As with all reviews, I have tried to rate companies on four catagories: Inventory, Stock Quality and Size, Customer Service/General Experience and Value. Ratings are from one star(abysmal and I don't know if I have used this yet) to five stars(*****) which is also somewhat rare and indicates this attribute can really not be improved much at all.

INVENTORY: *** Girard's offers a good amount of pines and spruce but is lacking somewhat in firs and doesn't offer Cedrus at all. Presumably this is because they are in an environment that doesn't encourage healthy grow of those species but nevertheless, many nurseries offer a much wider selection. Most of their plants are 1-gallon size, though they have some slightly smaller or larger offerings.

STOCK QUALITY/SIZE: **. Girard's plants vary in size somewhat but almost all are young compared to other nursery offerings, usually first or second year plants. The quality of some plants has been mediocre as well with sparsely branched plants fairly common. That said, keep in mind(see VALUE below), they offer their plants at a relatively inexpensive price, so as the saying goes, you usually get what you pay for.

CUSTOMER SERVICE/GENERAL EXPERIENCE: **** I've had no problems with Girard's plant orders, with relatively quick shipping, frequent discounts and no plant deaths out of some dozen plants acquired.

VALUE: *** The old saying, a picture is worth a thousand words, and part of my reviews include photos of plants bought and the price I paid. NOTE: that for this review, these plants were bought LAST Winter, so they were about a year younger(though all healthy) and a bit smaller. I find Girard's nursery to offer solid value for their plants, neither exceptional nor below average.

Pinus parviflora 'Early Cones'. $18: Even came with a cone. Pretty cool!

Pinus parviflora 'Shi-On'. $18. Not a bad deal either, again $18 for a two-year old plant is a good deal folks.

Picea pungens 'Royal Knight'. $14 for a 'ban' pot. Was small but healthy and again, a named conifer for $14, particularly one that is slow growing is a pretty nice value.

All in all, Girard's nusery offers smallish conifers but they've been healthy, shipped fast and inexpensive. There might be bigger, better looking plants out there but this is a solid option for anyone looking for some starter plants.

Here is a link that might be useful: Earlier 2011 conifer reviews(and links to ALL of the other reviews)

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