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'Exotic' tree update

Thanks to all who encouraged me last year to try some extrazonal exotics and push the limits of northern gardening in Peace River! I provide the following update not to boast (as all success can be wiped out with an untimely freeze), but to help any others who are thinking about springing for an exotic in their own yard:

No damage:

ginkgo biloba, planted 2009

a. saccarhum 'green mountain', planted 2011

celtis occidentalis, planted 2009

robinia pseudoacacia 'purple robe', planted 2011

rhus typhina, planted 2011

rhus aromatica, planted 2011

'golden spice' pear, planted 2011


celtis tenufolia (to snowline)

morus alba (to snowline)

'valiant' grape (to two feet above ground)


castanea dentata (survived much harsher winter of 2010-2011)


fargesia rufa (tops died, but roots are still alive -- waiting for new growth!)

project for the year: taxodium distichum. This was a 'mistake' tree for a local nursery...and the thing would have died anyway if I hadn't bought it. My prospects of overwintering this are minimal...but I've heard that baldcypress is hardy to Ottawa. Plus, you never know.

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