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South Florida Swap - October 22nd - Sunday

fawnridge (Ricky)
17 years ago

Okay, lets set the date - Sunday instead of Saturday for everyone who works. October 22nd so we don't get in the way of Halloween. I can still do Saturday if more folks are available, so let me know and we'll make the final decision at the end of this thread.

As far as plants go...

I have 30 Pride of Barbados in 1 gallon cans - 20 orange and 10 yellow. Also I have around 20 crotons in 1 gallon cans - all yellow leaf and all sun tolerant. Add to that around a dozen Uncarina ready to go in the ground, and lots of Ixora - White, Trinadad Red, and Super King. All of these are giveaways, not swap. You come here and visit, and we send you home with plants!

I have lots of other stuff to swap. Croton collectors - I'll be trimming while you're here so you can go home with fresh cuttings of some very rare crotons. And of course there will be pulled pork!

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