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Growing older really SUCKS!

10 years ago

Growing older really SUCKS!

I went out into the garden, bags of veggie seeds in hand to plant lettuces, radishes cucumbers and etc. But, in order to plant them, I needed to haul the step ladders up to the garden for the cucumber trellis. So...went into the rose garden where I stowed them last fall and in order to get to them, I needed to pull the way-too-many flowers and things that had grown up in the paths. Then I saw that some of the roses had fungus, so went up to the greenhouse and got the rose spray. Sprayed them and proceeded to work my way down into the "jungle" to retrieve the two step ladders. The rose spray bottle still in my hand. I was having to pull all the six-foot Larkspurs as I went and a bunch of other flowers, just to get down into the lower level where the step ladders were sitting. Good grief! Carried all the plant debris up the steps to the back of the garden where I made a pile of all the stuff I pulled. Back and forth, Back and forth. Finally, that was done, I was able to get one ladder. (Time was I could have easily carried both of them). Folded it up and walked down to the lower garden where I had planned to grow the Muncher cukes. They like the afternoon shade down there. I set the ladder in every available spot, but none looked right. I was a bit frustrated with my plan having gone awry. So, back up the hill with the step-ladder. (puff puff, puff). I still have the rose spray bottle in my hand for gosh sakes. I drop it off at the greenhouse and continue further on up the hill (puff Puff Puff!) to the big orchard garden to find a new location for growing my cucumbers. Decided on where they should go, but OMG! I have to hoe out two new places for them.where they are going to be set up. At this point, my lower back is starting to complain about ALL this walking! I go retrieve the shovel and hoe way down where I left them last night - on the back patio. Take them up the hill. Then walk back down to the rose garden to get the other step ladder. I hauled it up to the garden. Not too many years ago, I could have carried the both the tools AND the step-ladder in one trip!
Using the shovel, I prepared a place for one of the ladders. The old garden rose on the fence had sent out dozens of long runners and a good many were flopping down into the garden between the Okra plants and GRABBING ME! That'll never do.
So walked back down to my potting bench, got the clippers and walked back up to the garden. My back was REALLY griping by this time. It was laborious clipping all those prickly rose canes and walking over four feet to a place where I could toss them over the fence. Back and forth, clipping and tossing until the Okra was again visible and no rose canes to hook my skin and clothing with those gawd-awful thorns. I got snagged several times, so now I am bleeding and starting to get hot and sweaty.
The little House Wrens had built their nest in the Bluebird house at the back of the garden this year and were hopping about from tree to tree fussing about my presence, but especially the kittens who follow me everywhere. I was concerned about the kittens climbing the fence post and getting the wrens, so tied a piece of steel fencing in front of the birdhouse. I had bent into a "U" shape so it fit right around nicely. That should give them a bit more protection from pesky cats.
By this time, I am too worn out and realize I need to go take a break and eat something for breakfast. I hadn't eaten yet today. I was just too tired to do another thing. Needed to go put something on all my scratches and cool off.
And all I really had planned on doing was planting lettuces, radishes and some cucumbers.
Getting older really sucks!


Added this picture - "Over the garden gate", taken May 18th, 2013. Looking into the Orchard Garden. You can only see the central area. I got the paths cleaned out today. Looks so much nicer! Darned Rolly Pollies ate both of those beautiful dark blue Petunias - overnight! They devoured them! Made me so mad!
I powdered their butts with some Sevin Dust. That'll fix em for eating my Petunias!
I got the cuke seeds sown this afternoon - also the radishes and lettuce too. Planted two hills of Cocozelle striped Squash.
This past Sunday, I set out 4 Pink Brandywine Tomato plants along the back behind the Jalapeno peppers (center back), and planted my onion sets. Everything is growing really well.
Afterward, I discovered some of the tomatoes and peppers have begun to set fruit. Can't wait for that first yummy tomato. I will take some new pics tomorrow.

This post was edited by sweetannie4u on Wed, May 29, 13 at 1:52

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