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Garden Pics - Week of June 8th

I finally have a bunch of stuff blooming! Most of them are dandelions, of course, but here are some of the "real" flowers. :)

Bellis - i never saw it last year but it turned up in a different spot this year. Garden gremlins?

Bergenia - its first blooms ever:

A bleeding heard and then a fern-leaf bleeding heart:

Daffodils - 'Joan of Arc':

Some more daffodils - the white one is 'Polar Ice' and i think the other is 'Sweetheart':

Peony 'Mollis' - first peony to bloom last year and this year, and it's only about 14" high:


Solomon's Seal:

Sambucus 'Sutherland's Gold' - i love this tree!

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