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Picea orientalis photo gallery 2011

I'm back from a long vacation and plenty of plants grew like weeds when I was gone!

Last year's gallery had some great cultivars, I have some new photos to share and I hope you do too! Please share any you'd like, new, old, big or small.

Here's a few of mine to start:

'Iseli Seedling'. A fantastic plant, grows a couple inches a year and beautifully gold all year with no burn! I've tried(poorly) to contrast it with a couple petunas with black flowers. Maybe something more to see here once the weather warms up(we're still in the 60s most days!)

'Connecticut Turnpike'. Dwarfish and needs a move soon.

'Professor Langner'. Very slow growing, less then an inch a year.


Here is a link that might be useful: Picea orientalis gallery 2010

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