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Hobbiton conifers of the week, May 14th

A day late to avoid some bad photo weather, here are some more old, new or cool plants I want to share from my gardens.

Picea glauca 'Cecilia'

Tsuga sieboldi 'Green Ball'

Picea pungens 'Scottie' 4th year in the ground, a conical upright, or so she looks.

Abies cilicica 'Spring Grove' - Lush bright green, almost gold, new growth. Laterally growing so far.

Pinus banksiana 'Chippewa' - Lots of candles and they're longer this year than I expected.

Picea pungens 'Hermann Naue' - Slower than 'Early Cones'

Abies grandis 'Compacta'

Picea glauca 'Sanders Blue'

Picea pungens 'Gebelle's Golden Spring'

Acer palmatum 'Orido Nishiki' - Common but still beautiful, noted for it's extensive variegation of whtie and pink.

At a distance.

Closeup of the foliage.

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