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HELP needed asap to get rid of animals destroying yard

12 years ago

OK, OK, I have had enough! Please help me with finding some success in having a pretty yard where I don't have to police the entire place getting rid of cats who use my landscape as a litterbox, squirrels dig everywhere looking for goodies, rabbits love the tender pretty greens, and then the deer will also be chewing later this summer. I have used pepper, I have used blood meal, and believe me DONT use blood meal, when it gets wet and the heat hits it, it develops maggots and STINKS TO HIGH HEAVEN!! Not kidding!

I'm tired of acting like Granny from the Beverly Hillbillies with my bb gun, and the neighbors are going to think I'm crazy!!

I have used black pepper around plants, roses, and then the rabbits are right back the next day. We put down new landscaping mulch, 2 cats have used it as litter tray, what do I do??? PLEASE HELP

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