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HAVE: Lots of Named Daylilies for Named Daylilies

18 years ago

I have lots of named daylilies for trade for other named daylilies. I can send you a link to pictures of my daylilies taken in my yard in my photobucket. I don't want to put the link here, because I can't figure out how to make it secure.

I like to do larger trades and I am happy to trade for 1 blooming size fan. I am also happy to do double fan trades. I have some listed on my page that I really want, but I see dls all the time that I want so you probably have something I haven't seen but would like to have. I am a collector and like to have as many different ones as possible. I can provide references from trades I did last summer too.

Here is a list of my daylilies for trade. You can also see my list on my member page.

*Aggie Sellars-

*Anna Warner

*Balls of Red-always double for me

*Bed of Roses-very pretty vivid pink

*Big Kiss

*Cape Cod

*Chicago Apache-very nice red

*Corryton Pink-lots of huge flowers and lovely color

*Dark Star

*Ed Murray-texture is really unique & great color

*Final Touch-really pretty bi-tone pink

*Golden Compass

*Happy Returns

*Hyperion-very nice long blooming yellow, old cultivar

Indian Giver (might have 1 fan for a special trade)

*Indy Rhapsody-this might be my favorite red

*Little Grapette-so cute and very hardy

*Magic Carpet Ride

*Mauna Loa

*Moonlit Masquerade

*Pass Me Not

*Precious Beginnings

*Pumpkin Kid

*Red Volunteer

*Rocket City

*Rosy Returns

*Ruffled Apricot

*Saucy Rogue-this is such a cute little flower

*Siloam Bo Peep

*Siloam David Kirchoff-very unusual pattern

*Siloam Plum Tree-clumps fast with lots of blooms

*South Seas-a picture can't catch the amazing color

*Stella de Ora

*Strawberry Candy-very pretty-lots of scapes-very long bloom

*Taffeta Mist

*Unknown Orange

*Unknown Red

*Unknown Purple-very unusual

*Wineberry Candy-fast clumps with lots of flowers

*Yellow Bouquet-I love this early yellow

*Yellow Explosion



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