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Kalanchoe marnieriana aerial roots

Crenda 10A SW FL
9 years ago

At least that's what I think it is. It was a hitchhiker with another plant I had purchased. I have a horrible picture of the flowers. (A whopping eye infection made me miss snapping good pics, but these are pendulous red.) I can't find much info on its growth habit.

Right now it is in a 4-inch pot. I wondered if those aerial roots need a bigger pot so they can take root? Or would PIG be better? Those loopy roots blew or got pushed back into the pot and they have rooted. There are a couple on the left of the stem that dropped and rooted nicely.

Should I behead and root?

I'll be back in the high 70s, low 80s next week or so. I'd like to prepare for what I need to do. Or I can wait - ha ha.

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