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Weekend Trivia: Saturday

Good morning all. What a week it was at school-Tuesday, one of my girls stole my cell phone, Wednesday, another one of my girls trashed my room (overturned desks, threw whatever..staplers, tape dispensers, papers, books...she could get her hands on) while I was at a meeting, and then she lost control again and hit, kicked, and tried to bite us as we moved her into the support room. Other than that, a normal week of kids whining, arguing with each other, lying, and stealing...needless to say, I am a tad tired. So, pretty lame trivia today and if anyone has a great question, feel free to override mine. Just jump on in! :)

I showed the kids a short bio on Nelson Mandela yesterday. Such a loss for the planet. Anyway, the film showed people waiting in line for miles to cast their ballots for him. Do you know why those papers are called that?


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