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white sticky stuff on the leaves of my citrus

12 years ago


I am a newbie here and I have a question. I live in Houston,Tx and I have a grapefuit tree and a meyer lemon tree in my backyard. Both trees have this really sticky, thick white stuff on the underside of the leaves. I tried to find out what it is and found cottony scale, but I don't think that is it. There are no bugs on the leaves just thick white sticky stuff. It has now started to turn some leaves darker than others on the grapefruit tree, and spreading to the fruit.

I have sprayed it with GardenSafe Fungacide 3,but it is still there. I'm including a photo. Can anyone here tell me what this nasty stuff is and ow to treat it organically?

I do not want to lose my trees. ;(

Thank you

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