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Ersatz Habitat Shot, Agaves Rock My Way

I have and will continue to share this plant (or at least the offspring from this plant), Agave appanata 'Cream Spike', to all that I am able to, with restrictions (the number of current plant is regrettably finite, but it is a renewable resource), until the last person wanting a pup gets it - let's hope the $5 donation made to that cause Agave Peaceful Coexistence Tour North America will cover that windmill tilting.


I may have sent some to new friends on both sides of the border recently, and I know there's at least on in Atlantic Canada (variety 'Bluenoser') that's hale and hearty, but I know of at least two folks who will get this plant in the next half-year. One who doesn't have it (but will, along with another choice variegated miniature Agave, is my damsel dashing my distress of not having the plant by mailing me my Agave pygmae 'Dragon Toes', so I got to lay the thank-you carpet out with a little flourish). While it's somewhat different to my succulent sendoffs of yore, I think that I can add sending them to different provinces as a way to getting me a bank loan / government grant to do this as a paying position (or at least free soil mix and a greenhouse with two gas heaters (one back-up))/

The wee ones


growing for a few more weeks outside, although it was 4C this am - slippers with socks doesn't quite make my morning sartorial grade, even at home, but the shorts and tee-shirt ('Have a Huernia') quitely rocked the chilled basement office where the four resident cats allow a scrivener to operate, sometimes.

The head crtic, Yoko the Yowler


I expect, judging from the firmness-of-rooting tug check I gave Mama, she's settled in quite nicely and the stolons are squirming upward as we chat here.

Emma Grey Bellies, performing OPSEC


Zoe caught in the middle of her Roly-Roly ninja mouse extermination exercises.


Sam awaiting her chance to curate the salon's plants. She's the number of problem to other cats, but she's also the queen, a fact all to well she knows.


This is close to a family they have - there are various configurations, but they're usually all nearly impossibly cute using any formation of my little flying squad.

Zeus and me after a particularly difficult session of data analysis



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