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My SS was Elizabeth!!!!

Elizabeth, THANK YOU so much!!!I love my goodies!!

~Avon Toe Manicure Kit in cute pink tote(was BADLY needed)

~Gevalia Coffee Beans (brewing as I type!)

~Avon Skin So Soft Body wash (smells good!)

~Avon Antibacterial Wipes( already in my purse!)

~Yves Rocher Pro-Retinol(needed this too!Huge wrinkle forming in middle of forehead)

~10 pk ink pens(should be able to find some now!! LOL!)

~2 12 pk pencils (If I lose all these someone lock me up!LOL!!!)

~5 notebooks(see above LOL!!)


Triple Yellow Datura

White Datura

~and as if all that was not enough there was a money order included (MAD MONEY!!!!WOO HOO!!)

Thanks again! I'm off to pour my coffee!


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