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alternative to photobucket

i have been informed by PB that i am near exceeding bandwidth in PB ...

it appears.. that every time one of you.. and me of course.. opens a post.. to view.. the amount of bandwidth for each pic is added up .... and i am getting near my monthly allowance ...

now.. i have a number of options ...

first i could pay them money ... 25 to 40 dollars for a one or two year unlimited pro plan ... i really am not interested in such.. as that is basically one new conifer... of which i havent bought a new one in a few years ... for whatever reason ... so it irritates me to pay them to post pix of conifers i cant otherwise afford ... and trust me.. its really hard to complain about a FREE service with a straight face ....

another alternative.. is to spend 5 or 10 minutes on every pic ... to reduce the size of them ...

another alternative is to reduce the number of enabling posts ...

and the last option is to use another photo hosting service ....

any comments on alternatives to PB ... and which would you recommend ....

if my pix ever disappear.. you now have fair warning ....


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