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Semidesert conifers 7 Reloaded The Sagalassos Expedition Day 4

13 years ago

Volume 4

Fourth Day

The way up to Sagalassos

Up to Sagalassos, Olympos NP

Alaca Dag from Hasiyurt (Dag means Mountain in turkish)

Olympos NP

Alaca Dag

Alaca Dag

Alaca Dag

Alaca Dag

Alaca Dag

Alaca Dag

Alaca Dag from Hasiyurt

Between Aglasun and Sagalassos, the way to Ak Dag Mt. (White Mt.)

Up to Alaca Dag

Quercus aucheri

Up to Akdag



Oaks on Akdag

Aglasun Valley, Cedrus libani

Aglasun Valley, Akdag

Akdag, Aglasun Valley

Cedrus libani �Sagalassos�

Sagalassos ruines, lower agora

Sagalassos ruines



Cedrus libani

Quercus coccifera 1650 m

Quercus coccifera, Phlomis, far Cedrus libani

Quercus calliprinos 1650 m

Quercus calliprinos


Sagalassos, Quercus coccifera


Akdag 1650-1900 m Juniperus excelsa

Sagalassos map view

Sagalassos, Cedrus libani

Aglasun Valley

Aglasun Valley

Phlomis fruticosa 1650 m

Phlomis fruticosa

Acantholimon 1650 m


Quercus calliprinos

Quercus calliprinos, Phlomis

Quercus calliprinos

Quercus calliprinos, Acantholimon

Quercus calliprinos

Juiperus excelsa on the Akdag, 1650-1900 m

From here comes a new selection

Juniperus excelsa Highlander photo not yet available

2010 Hodi Toth Jozsef HUN from sport of Ak Dag over Sagalassos 1700 m, TUR

3-4 m in height, regular conical habit. Grey bark on trunk, strong peel. Boughs and twigs also in grey color, axis of sprouts bright brown. Sprouts silvery grey with blue touch. In this altitude minimum temperature in January below -30 Celsius and average in January -5,8 Celsius. This plant brings a perfect hardiness to Z5.

Cedrus libani forest over 1700 meters

Cedrus libani Sagalassos 2nd group 1750 m

Sagalassos 1800 m

Sagalassos, Cedrus libani 1700 m

Cedrus libani �Sagalassos�

Sagalassos 1850 m

Cedrus libani 1850 m

Cedrus libani 1850 m

From this area there are some very extreme lebanon cedar selections. At this point of the expedition HTJ had to choose: photographeing or collecting scions on the hanging slope. The descriptions are ready for the following new cultivars.

Cedrus libani Aglasun

2010 Hodi Toth Jozsef HUN from sport of Ak Dag, over Sagalassos 1700 m, TUR

A young plant in zone where in January the average of temperature is -5,8 C and minimum temperature is below -30 Celsius. Conical, regular habit, short, bright green needles, like a Cedrus brevifolia. Without cones. Bark dull grey, twigs are thin, red-brown.

Cedrus libani Agora

2010 Hodi Toth Jozsef HUN from sport of Ak Dag, over Sagalassos 1700 m, TUR

60-100 years old plant in zone -30 C minimum temperature. Bright, medium green, 2-3 cm long needles, red-brown twigs. Slow growing, regular, conical habit, because from NE cold winds boughs on those site are shorter. No cones.

Cedrus libani Ak Dag

2010 Hodi Toth Jozsef HUN from sport of Ak Dag, NE from Sagalassos, 1850 m, TUR

Very limited plants endured from original forest in this altitude after devastation in roman age in ancient times. This relict in all January tolerates -30 -35 C and all years in 7 months occurs frost /subalpin climate in middle of Mediterraneum/. Slow growing, stubby figure. Bright-green, 2-3 cm long needles, short, thin twigs in redbrown. The bark nearly black, rough. It may 50 or 90 years old. No cones.

Cedrus libani Antonius

2010 Hodi Toth Jozsef HUN from sport of Ak Dag, NE from Sagalassos 1850 m, TUR

An other plant from relictum-zone, out of subalpin climate. Young � between 30 and 60, slow. Trunk by foot surprising bulky. Twigs are thin, red-brown, needles bright-green, rigid, short. Named after Antonius Pius, ceasar of the Roman Empire in the 2nd century, who has a cult even today there. No cones.

Aglasun Valley view from 1600 meters down to 800

Finally I have to say many thanks to HTJ for his new discovery enterprise, which brought nearly 40 new conifer selections, and documentation for 5 earlier selected ones. I hope, his work will realize a nice success in the conifering of Z5 even to Z4 - and dry continental areas of the world. This finding will help to introduce unirrigated gardens, parks.

Thanks for your attention

HTJ and Zsolt

November 2010

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