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gardens on spring creek

12 years ago

A community botanic garden in Fort Collins, CO.

This summer they put in a new rock garden. Let's have a look!


The rock garden. It seems they have not yet labeled many of the plants.


Picea pungens


Pinus flexilis


Pinus monophylla (and maybe some Arctostaphylos and Cercocarpus in there too)


Cupressus arizonica


Rock garden


Pinus aristata




Pinus edulis


Pseudotsuga menziesii


Pinus monophylla


Pinus edulis dwarf (in bloom, penstemon?)


Rock garden


Sequoiadendron giganteum, at the entrance of the garden

The largest sequoia I've seen in Colorado (although there are probably larger)


It was cold and raining, and before long I was soaked!

We've had 0.36 inches of precipitation in the past 24 hours; the monthly average for October is 1.18.

It will be fun to see how these conifers do over the coming years.

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