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Pale Nellie Moser

Well, my Nellie is in her third season. The first year she bloomed a little and the flowers looked like what I'd expect. Second year she bloomed a little more and grew a little more, but I would describe the plant as looking a bit "anemic" or pale - both the flowers and leaves. Interesting thing about year two was that a "volunteer" Nellie came up and bloomed among the weeds in the empty lot next door to us. This year I pruned the plant pretty hard in very early spring. There's lots of good growth. So far one bloom. Pale, pale, pale! And I think the leaves are pale, too. Now, this should be an ideal location for her: morning sun, afternoon shade. She faces NE. I have fertilized with my special 'tea' of composted manure and water for the last two years. This year I thought I'd follow another GWer's advice and try Rose Tone. Any thoughts? Oh, I also gave her some alfalfa meal tea last year (that stuff stinks!!!). Thanks!

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