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Parsley and caterpillers......

16 years ago

Waay back when, some one posted about planting parsley chiefly for caterpiller food. well, I planted the parsley, left it in pots on shed deck and waited. Grew beautifully. Wattered religiously , began thinking that this was a real waste of time, could use pots for other plants.....Hmmm, figured I would try again next year. WELL , about 3 days ago I discoverd 'pillers everywhere in that parsley. Many different sizes, from teent to pinky size. Now that the parsley is nearly gone- stems too- what happens to the smaller baby size ones? what else will they munch on? How big do they get before they form cocoon? I moved three over to the dill. now that is just stumps too. What kind are these, they are yellow and black stripe. Looks like an eye between stripes. Those pesty ants are after them now too. Ants are 1/2 red and 1/2 brown. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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