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Pics, brugs & OT..what a weekend...

15 years ago

O what a weekend...Nice warm weather, nice nights, but we had a heck of a storm Saturday..BIG BIG wind & a tree came down in the back of the yard, landed on DH's "storage" van, lol(thank god that and the stupid old rusty camper thats also back there are about to be taken out of the yard..more room for plants, hehe)..across the front part of Duke's dog pen. Thank god he was in the back part in one of his houses when it happened, or he would have been dead. The front pen is busted up and smashed. Across my tomatoes..guess they are done for the season. Smashed most of my lattice going across the back of those beds, as well as my arbor. At least the passies, mandevillas, and vigna caracallas were taken out already. But..alot of plants did get smashed, my Rose of SHaron trees..pretty beat up, I had to cut quite a few broken branches off..Clerodendron smashed, only half inch stubs left, dahlias, wisteria, KMOTGG, Castor plant, climbing rose, clematis & so much more..all suffered damage, we'll see what survives. So we spent our day Sunday cleaning up.

I do have a couple NOID brugs blooming, as well as one which was a total surprise..I forgot all about it & went into my bedroom bathroom to brush my teeth last night..was greeted by a big bloom in the bathtub, lol. It's a NOID from Linda in FL (thank you!)..smells like hyacinth. Very pale, I guess cuz it bloomed inside. And my Duranta is blooming! yay! Started it from seeds from Karyn (thank you!) over the winter, didnt think it would bloom this year..

We carved pumpkins last "we" I of course mean "I", lol. the kids tell me what they want, or draw their own pics or whatever and I do it, I figured I'd throw those pics in as well. Supposed to get more and do them tonight.

Then at last night at 1am I go into the bathroom off the kitchen..all the lights are out, and I hear something by my feet scurrying away. I watched my DD's white mouse run around the bathroom.(If she wasnt white, if it had been the black one forget it..I wouldn't have seen it in the dark, with a black floor, and probably would have screamed, lol) I picked her up and put her away, thank god the dog was asleep and the cat was outside. that wouldn't have been pretty.

O and while Duke's pen was broken and we were cleaning up, Duke decided to tear through the yard..keep in mind this dog is completely blind..he ran into everything there was to run into, tore through the flower beds, peed on some roses, and then decided to go for a dip in the pond!!!

Daisy wanted to get out and play with him so bad..but I couldn't supervise, (with him being blind, I HAVE to) I had to work..she sat in the window crying and whining for hours on end.

I tried to ignore the brugs in the basement over the weekend, lol..not easy..I peeked a couple times, but basically stayed away, lol.

O and I finally dug up my EE's..that was a chore and a half. They're drying now. I hope they dont die.

And, thats that. I'll shut up now, lol














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