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Critiques and Evaluations of Named, Available Clivia Hybrids

I am a new grower of Clivia miniata hybrid plants. I have much to learn, and I read everything that I can about growing these plants. I post questions on this forum, and have gained much knowledge by reading about all the topics that are posted, past, and present. I took me a while but I read every thread on this forum.

Let's say, for an example, that I must have a semi compact-growing, wide-leaved, peach flowering C. miniata. So, now I start to shop around. I check-out "Cameron Peach", "Victorian Peach" or some other peach-flowering Clivia. Which plant do I consider buying? Which clone is a vigorous, easy-flowering grower? Are these clones prone to diseases, virus, bug infestations? What about the flowers? Do most of the flowers open around the same time, making a beautiful display, or do the flowers open so sporadically that only two, or three flowers are open at any one time? Which plant has better color? How long, and wide are the leaves? Which web-site contains the answers to my questions? "Seek, and ye shall find"...yeah, but not about Clivias.

Nowhere, on this forum, or anywhere else, have I read, (except in passing), any evaluations, assessments, critiques regarding the merits, and/or demerits of commercially available, named Clivia hybrids. Also very little on PLANT descriptions. Even Clivia cultivar registries contain little about the plants.

New Clivia hybrids are introduced every year by major breeders. Am I to believe, for example, that all the new peaches, or new "improved" yellows, are all the same. Are these plants all equally vigorous, and easy to flower for most growers? Or are some of these high-priced clones temperamental, weak and reluctant-to-flower "dogs"? What about plant characteristics....compact-growers, or sprawling habit, with weak, floppy leaves? See my point? So far, I've read mostly flower descriptions, and very little about the overall plant itself. Am I the only grower concerned about the whole plant package, and not just ONLY the flowers? When a plant goes into a show for judging I'll bet the WHOLE plant is evaluated for beauty, form, culture, and flowers.

Are there some kind of legal restrictions on using specific clonal names, and stating opinions about plant/flower performance and characteristics. Members on other forums easily offer their opinions about plants that they grow, and they name names. Why not do the same on this forum? How will Clivia breeding advance if there's no open, honest discussion about a plant's growing and flowering characteristics?

This forum could be a wonderful venue for exchanging information about the latest, "flavor-of-the-day" Clivia introductions, and for evaluations of older hybrids that have been on the market, and grown for years. Surely the more experienced, long-time growers must have some opinions about the plants that they grow. Please share. Pick a clone and start a thread only about that specific plant. Say what you think, and forget about "political correctness". Grow a set!

I, for one, would like to know the rest of the Clivia story, and read some objective comments about the plants we grow. Clivias can be pretty pricey. I rather know what to expect from a plant BEFORE purchasing, not after. I dislike buying a pig-in-a-poke.

Just my two cents worth.


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