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I Was Blinded By Brug In The Eye (kinda long)

15 years ago

I was trimming the leaves off my brugs last Wed & Thur (15 & 16th) before the first frost here. The plan was to dig them & put them inside on Friday when my DH got home. I started carrying in the smaller plants in pots for under lights then too & all the other plants that had to come in. I trimmed all of the ones in the front yard Wed & moved on to the back Thur. I was probably about 80% finished with 100 seedlings when in the middle of all my chopping & hurrying I got a tiny piece of brug in my eye. I wiped it away & kept going. I wear glasses & I have been doing these things for years now with no problems. It was a bright sunny day, nice & warm & perfect weather to be outside all day. Suddenly I noticed that everything was getting VERY blurry. I wiped my eye again a couple times, just the corner & not putting my fingers in my eyes (or so I thought) thinking it was dust or something. I tried to finish with that eye closed & I didn't want to go inside because I was almost done. I was out there about another 30 minutes when I did it again & got sprayed with brug juice in my good eye. This was my first year with seedlings & maybe they are just more juicy than cuttings or older plants or it could be because I was trying to hurry so much (more likely). I went in, washed my face & hands & looked at my eye. My right pupil was almost the size of the colored part & the left one was huge but not as big as the first one. I thought oh great but figured it wasn't too bad since I read about Victorian ladies doing it (on purpose!!). By that time, my eyes were getting very sensitive to the light but not red or burning. I looked like I had some kind of brain damage. I couldn't see to look it up on the computer (too bright) & I couldn't see to read or watch TV so I thought I'd take a nap & let them go down. 2 hours later, I got up & looked - uh oh, no change. I called Poison Control (try dialing blind) & they said it was not dangerous & would probably be back to normal in 6 to 8 hours (maybe if you have one drop in your eye, I had juice on my hands from 100 of those puppies). I had all the curtains pulled closed & the lights off & went back to bed. It's not bed time so I keep waking up & checking & there is no change. I'm beginning to get upset by then because I have things to do & I can't see to do them. I finally gave up & went to bed for the night. When Bob came home Friday am, we got started on the plants. I couldn't see at all outside in the light (& it was cloudy that day) so we went to Walmart, talked to the optometrist (too bad I didn't have an eye exam appointment) & bought a pair of those big wrap around glasses like people with cataract surgery wear. They fit over my glasses so I could see (I have 20/240 vision). My eyes were not back to normal size until very late Sunday night & my eyes were sensitive to the light for a couple more days after that so I couldn't see to read or get on the computer for over a week. No one even missed me!

We did finish the plants but all we did was dig them & put them in pots or plastic bags with the dirt that hung on. Now I have to go back & add potting soil to all of them & I still haven't done that. I still have cuttings for trades to do so I am even more behind.

The moral of this story is if you are going to trim 150 brugs, wear wrap around glasses, do not rush the job & DO NOT TOUCH YOUR EYES until you have washed your hands.


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