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New acquisitions and new questions.

I have been wandering afar without any restraints and brought home some goodies. First one or two I know, and know how to treat them. The third is represented as Fuzzy Prickly Pear.Opuntia 'Fuzzy'. I am getting no bites on Ms Google. Has any one here know it or know its parentage or its hardiness. It is a beauty. Also the Epyphylum looking thing is a puzzler. any knowledge there would be appreciated also. This store has good stuff but crummy on the names.

Aloe haworthioides


Echinocereus pulchellus


Opuntia 'Fuzzy'



Thanks in advance, Mara

What the heck is this??? It looks kind of like a real stiff and curly epiphylum. The lady who is often wrong said it was a Cereus. I could not find it.


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