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Gardening is not for wimps!

Crenda 10A SW FL
9 years ago

It's been one of those days! I started by trimming off some suckers from my yucca. One of the leaves got me and sliced my arm. (Hey - where is all that blood coming from?)

So I moved on to pulling weeds and got nailed by agaves - twice! (More blood) They jumped right out and poked me! I had to remove a broken tip from my left arm - which is starting to look rather battle worn!

I go back out and notice a couple of aloes that needed the spent inflorescence removed. For some reason, a bee took exception to this and she nailed me on the hand. I haven't been stung in years! Lucky for me - I AM the Benadryl Gel Queen.

At last I come to the easiest task - watering my gardenias. I have one of those hoses that collapse. It burst. I backpeddled to avoid the gusher - and tripped on a concrete parking bumper on our driveway. (I have NO idea why we have that thing!) Of course I fell!! I landed on my tush on the driveway, which was insulting enough. (I first looked to see if any neighbors saw me!) One hand hurt and my other elbow (left, of course) was skinned so I must have hit those, too, but at least nothing felt broken!

Feeling like I had been rode hard and put up wet, I promptly fixed myself a big rum and coke and ate some Advil. My arm started hurting so I decided to apply ice and drink another rum and coke. Well now, a few hours later, I can't grip with that hand, can't even turn a door knob or (horrors!) twist the cap of the rum bottle!

I think it's a sprained wrist - not the rum! Really! I don't want to go to urgent care with rum breath and explain to them how I fell hard because my hose burst. I am not a fireman!

Darn - this was supposed to be a relatively easy day gardening! LOL

I really get tired of being such a klutz!
Safe gardening, everyone!

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