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Monarch Waystation? DEFINITELY!

16 years ago

I swear, I cannot believe the activity I am getting in my little Monarch Waystation here at home. I didn't spot a single Monarch today although hubby said he saw one in the backyard...yet there MUST have been at least one female because I collected sixty (yes, that's 60!) eggs!!! I wasn't even searching very hard for those eggs either.

Yesterday, I didn't see any Monarchs but I collected 85 eggs.

The day before I collected 34.

Each day of 'collecting' has not been where I spent much time out in the garden. Nope, just, oh fifteen minutes here, ten minutes there, and the majority of time I'm actually out looking for some good-looking leaves to feed the caterpillars I'm raising (I've got Monarchs, GSTs, and Gulf Frits right now).

Have I been releasing Monarchs? No. I've released a few in the past month but nothing that would make a 'matching pair,' if you get my drift. I took a male Monarch to my physical therapist's the other day so that her daughter could release him. In fact, the butterflies I've released have pretty much taken off for parts unknown (I think they're heading to Huntington Beach-hubby has seen a LOT of Monarchs heading towards HB and when I went to HB's Central Park the other day with Chelsea, I saw some Monarchs there. That's one of the overwintering sites here in California.).

So I have a suspicion that those Monarchs that are heading towards Huntington have seen my 'Monarch Waystation' sign and decided to take a pitstop at Sherry's Shangri-La.

I've been astounded by the sheer egg-laying though...I've mailed some to this one teacher up north, gave some to this one budding entomologist, and gave some to this gal who has been visiting schoolchildren to tell them about Monarchs. At this current rate, I don't know if I will have any breaktime this winter! ;P

The funny thing is I cut back one of my big Milkweed patches about a month-and-a-half ago...EEK! Good thing Asclepias grows quickly around here!

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