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Help save Monarch Butterfly habitat

17 years ago

The habitat of the Western and Eastern Monarch butterflies is being steadily destroyed. But we gardeners can help, by planting milkweed to create butterfly "way stations".

There's an excellent article in the San Francisco Chronicle detailing the problem and how all of us can help the non-profit organization Monarch Watch, who offers a Monarch Way-Station Seed Kit for $16. The seed set includes six milkweed species and six nectar plant species. (The number of seeds sent per plant variety ranges from 20 to 100 seeds.) Species include a mixture of annuals and perennials, and none of the varieties are invasive. The way-station seed sets work for home, school, park and business center gardens, as well as for field edges, roadsides and other vacant land.

Full article (free) is linked below:

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