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Search for Paph Pot used by CA Orchid Show Grower/Seller

16 years ago

Hi All,

In the hope of finding this type of pot, I posted the following message on the Orchid Forum under the Subject: "Pot search & Dividing for doubling Paph ~ Please advise!" Do any of you recognize this grower/seller or the pots he used?

Original Post:

"Pot search & Dividing for doubling Paph ~ Please advise!"

Posted by sweetcicely S7 USDA9 No.CA (My Page) on

Mon, Sep 10, 07 at 4:32

Hi all,

I'm afraid this Paph is way overdue for repotting. It is a spotted leafed slipper (Hampshire Raven x Shadow Magic), which I bought at a Sacramento Orchid Society (CA) show and sale. It was a cold day in April, and the original blossom bud pouted and died on arriving home. Since a new plant was already growing beside the original one, and I didn't want to cause further insult, I left the old growth in place.

The new plant did not spike in the next year--which I spent learning how to care for my first Paph. This year, it put out a beautiful blossom which lasted for three months. Now, there are four new plant starts--two from the base of the original plant and two from the axils of the lowest leaves of the newer plant.

Question #1 is, how do I divide and repot the two mother plants with a minimum of injury and some reasonable likelihood of success?

This plant is in a round, opaque green plastic pot, 3 3/4" tall, with a 2 3/4" diameter top, tapering to a 2" diameter base that is "coned" 1/2" up into the bottom. It has two rows of narrow slits around the bottom half and additional slots across the coned bottom. It is filled with a dime to penny sized (small guage?) mixture of dense black/brown chips (bark?) and what looks like gray/white volcanic stone (pumice or granite)the size of peas. This plant sits indoors on a wire plant stand in front of a SSW facing sliding glass door (deep roof overhang) and is watered every 6-7 days with 1/4 strength orchid fertilizer (and flushed with plain water about once a month).

This pot seems perfect for the job, but--in anticipation of repotting--I have searched Google for days without finding anything matching its proportions. I would ask the grower from whom I bought the Paph (he had dozens of budding and blooming Paphs in similar pots), but he neglected to tag the plants with his name or nursery name. I've seen plenty of clear plastic pots, but they're just not the same.

Question #2: Do any of you know of a supplier who sells

pots such as I have described?

Any guidance you can give me would be much appreciated.


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