sweetcicely's photo
About me: Botany is an abiding interest, study, and hobby of mine. I like plants--indoor or outdoor, wild or cultivated, large or small, perennial or annual. When I adopt a houseplant I feel it is my obligation to do what I can to keep it healthy and growing. Alas! I’m not always successful the first time, but I do learn a lot along the way.
GardenWeb’s Friendly Forums are full of such wonderful information that I visit almost every day. I can’t think of another single site, where one can find a gathering of so much excellent and freely shared information on so many aspects of gardening.

My zone is: S7 USDA9 No.CA
GardenWeb Member: 2002-05-28
Commented: Sticky ânectarâ appearing on spikes of newly-purchased Vanda Hi chatbud. If you don't see any bugs, relax. Someone, here, used to call the nectar, happy juice :) and I agree. Makes me think of those pictures of smiling Snoopy jumping up in the air with his feet...
in Orchids  
Commented: I need some help with my orchid Ignoring the big spot for a moment, I have to say that you seem to have received your phalaenopsis at the beginning of its bloom. It is now June, and four months is a very good amount of time for your...
in Orchids  
Commented: My Mom gave me her HUGE old Phalaenopsis Is it certain that your mother's plant is a Phalaenopsis? To "hear" you describe it as though it has leaves in ranks of two, and its environment as very humid, and its watering so frequent, ...
in Orchids