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Sedum'll Eat 'em

With apologies to Shel Silverstein

"Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout
would not cut the sedum out.
It ran across her garden bed
It swallowed plants, til all were dead.
It ate the rocks. It ate the trees.
It brought the mailman to his knees.
And though the sedum gave her joy,
no one's seen the paperboy.
And when it grabbed her, she did shout.
But still...
She would...not...cut...the sedum out."

Gonna hafta do sumpin' about this.

Actually, I have liberated some plants already.

Sedum spurium (spurious would be more accurate, though I'm sure they have the same root word).




You know when sedum angelina (a thug in its own right) gives way, the spurium is indeed spurious.






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