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more pix, brugs & misc..I hear those groans, lol

14 years ago

lmao..I cant help it man, things be bloomin!!

OK so, the Iochroma isnt blooming, but isnt that seedling big?!? A lil scrawny looking right now, lost alot of leaves recently, but hopefully she'll fill out again.















Brugs...........Strawberry Cream..................




Lotus buds havent opened yet..purple dats should open tonight..another hib should be opening any day, cant wait to see what color it is...

DD took this pic..aacckk whats on my arm??? lmao. ANyway, I thought it came out funny cuz my son was standing behind me, and the tree frog on his shirt looks like its checkin out the cicada shell..which looks like its kinda hanging out of my lizard's mouth, lol.


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