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pix..most OT

16 years ago

Just a few pix...




Coral Pink buds 8-16 just starting to pop


And today, same buds, poppin some more..geez louise..are they always this slow??


Tahhiti Sunrise Dahlia, first one had more yellow..


2nd shows alot more red.. can't wait till its fully open.


White Morning Glory, when I first saw it out of the corner of my eye I thought it was a lil dat, lol.


Butterfly on MG Tree


Leopard Lilies


Leopare Lilies closed up, I think they are cool lookin




Moonflower at sunset





Purple Hyssop from Theresa


Lotus (from Theresa :) in it's new home

{{gwi:539991}} cool now with the bigger pond there are SO many!! While I was taking this pic, a Painted Lady butterfly landed on top of my camera, right next to my finger..I laughed and scared it away.For some reason they always land on me when I am out there.


The blooming NBJ





Yesterday's tomato harvest..I got a heart shaped one, lol.


Nierembergia from seed..very disappointed..very scrawny, and just starting to bloom now.




Morning Glories





Comments (17)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh, wow, I think that is what the tall ones in the ground are. NBJ's, lol. Now I know what the other plant is that I wasn't sure about too. My morning glory tree is getting bigger. Thanks Daniella. Great pics and I love your dragonflies and flowers. I was just out hunting for Waldo and he is hiding tonight. I have two more epi flowers tonight. They opened early because of the clouds and rain I guess. Good thing too since I'm going to bed, lol. Goodnight.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Great Pics Daniella, did you ever get the rocks put around your pond and get it finished up?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Beautiful flowers and your tomatoes look delicious. If you like Gaillardias I have one called Red Plume that you'd probably like. I can save seeds for you if you want some. It loos kind of like a blood red Razzle Dazzle.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Daniella, your flowers are pretty! Love them all. Is this the first year for dahlias for you? They're not hardy are they? I'm waiting on mine to bloom.Got a late start from seed.Your Moonflower at sunset pic is spectacular!Your pond looks like it's been there for years. Fab!
    When you're waiting on your first brug blooms they do seem to take forever!It's "the watched pot never boils theory"!!LOL After that, they seem to develop pretty fast!My Daydreams is getting ready to bloom!Yay!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks guys!

    Kristy, glad you got some ID's out of it, lol. I think I have the beginnings of a lil tiny bud on the MG tree. This one always wilts in the mid day sun, the other one isn't in full sun, gets dappled in mid day and never wilts, and is exactly the same as the one in full sun. Next year I think I will have them both where they wil be protected from the mid day sun. Hey, DD and I were talking about your sea monkeys last night, are they doing?

    Shawn, I am still working on that. I collect some here and there, kinda borrowed some small ones from my son's ortho's parking lot yesterday, lol. Just smaller ones the plows had pushed into the corner, hehe.
    I dont want to go into the woods by myself..sometimes theres wackos in there. And DH wont go with me. So, I'm kinda stuck right now. He says he'll go with me when the weather is cooler and all the brush has died down. I dont want to wait that long!
    I did get some plants planted in the mound behind the waterfall, and finally got some mulch down in that spot. Still moving things around. Was really hoping it would all be done by now. My waterfall is still half@$$ cuz I dont have he rocks yet..sigh..

    Karyn, I would love some Gaillardia seeds please, thank you! I have Goblin, and for the life of me can't remember the other names, do you want any seeds? lemons & oranges died this year, waah. I dont know what happened. I really liked those Gaillardias, so pretty.

    I don't even like tomatoes, lol. They are for the 9 yr old and DH. I started them from seed in winter, and gave a few plants away, but I still have too many. They are producing so much I have been giving some away. I tried to have a slice on my burger about a week ago, and I gagged, lol.

    Thanks Theresa :) No, I had dahlias last year too, tried to overwinter the tubers, but they all rotted and/or got moldy. I am going to attempt to leave them inground this year with mulch over them. I have heard of people around here being able to do that. I know they'll die if I try to overwinter the bulbs..they have a better chance out there, lol.
    How big are your ones from seed?
    That;s funny..I say that to myself every time I want to go check on them, which is every time I am outside, lol. I hope your gonna post pix of DayDreams when she blooms!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Daniella, of course I'll post pix of daydreams. Should be tomorrow or next day.Oh ya,now I remember your experience with the dahlias last year.Sorry they died. I only got one plant growing, it's about 10" tall from seed.I Overwintered my begonias last winter. I think I'll try the dahlia too. I just left them in the pots,shoved them under my lil' GH down the cellar & let them dry out.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The seamonkeys are doing well. I enjoy watching them in the evenings along with playing with the frogs outside, lol. I do have a question about them though. It looks like they were doing the wild thing one day then I saw some swimming around with a dark seed looking thing so maybe they had babies because there are more in there now than before and it looks like the ones that had babies died afterward so I have little bodies on the bottom. How the heck do you change the water or do you just try to suck out the bodies with an eyedropper and hope you don't get any tiny babies in there too or what, lol.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Nevermind Daniella, it must have been too late last night and I was too tired,I swear I didn't notice half of those pics, lol. That pond looks great now that I see the pic, I think it is fine as is and doesn't need any rocks anytime soon. I've never heard of Esperanza but I like it. Is your brug opened up the whole way yet? I lost my coral pink, Actally I lost all of the ones I got from the co-op, kind of focused my attention on my bigger plants :( Nice tomatoes, none of mine are turning red yet but lots of green ones. I don't even eat them either but grow them for the family, lol.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Daniella, everything looks fantastic! Bet that Coral Pink is a beauty; and the Leopard lily has so many buds! Tomatoes, yummy! Mine did poorly this year. My MG tree that I started with seeds from Edna all died - don't tell her, LOL! Your pond filled in nicely; what a great place to sit and contemplate life and all its blessings, whoa!

    BTW, if anyone wants water hyacinth, I have some for postage (email me direct).

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Shawn, lol..I know what thats like..I could have sworm on posted on here earlier, and obviously I didnt! Coral Pink still hasnt opened up yet! I am trying to be patient, but come on!! lol!
    When mine is bigger, I'd be happy to share some with you. I can save you some Esperanza seeds if you want. It's another one you have to bring in for the winter.
    As for the rocks, the whole right side in that pic and the waterfall need them. You can see the liner at the edges.

    Theresa, I said this before when I thought I posted, but its not here, so I'll say it again, lol. Do you know if your dahia is a dwarf? If so then it should be blooming soon. They are another one that blooms better when the weather is cooler. They bloom their fool heads off!

    Well, that explains the 4 yr old spilled OJ and I had to clean it up..forgot I was posting! Probably samt thing ahppened earlier, and someone went on the comp and so much for my post!

    Anyway..where was I, lol

    Thanks El! If I get MG tree seeds, I'll save you some. I wish I could sit out there and contemplate. Lord KNOWS I try. I can't go outside for more than 40 seconds without someone yelling "MOOOOOOOOM!!" I think another 2 years or so, and I'll be in the looney bin..I hope the one I go to has a GH and gardens I can tend!! Anyone know of a good one? I thought I'd be in there by 30..I've now made it 2 years past that expected date..but I wont last much longer.

    Kristy, I'm sorry but thats too funny! I know nothing about the dark seed looking thing lol. DD says you suck the dead ones up with the eyedropper. gross, lol. I dont think you can change the water, you just add more as needed. I'm glad your are still alive and doing so well!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Daniella, When you find a looney bin with the garden, sign me up too! DS, Matt has to have surgery on his hand tomorrow.His hand & wrist went through a glass pane. He has glass embedded in his wrist,really close to a nerve. 9 stitches at ER last night.Ugh!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ok, Daniella, eyedropper it is, lol. So sorry to hear about your son Theresa. It must be a boy thing. My stepbrother and son both did the same thing on the glass part of the screen door.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    O geez Theresa..I hope all goes well today. Thank god it wasnt worse! Me n you, girl..we'll make that looney bin purdy, lol. I hope they still let us do trades n order plants n stuff from the 'outside' lol.

    What is it with boys and that crap? Same thing happened here with my son couple months ago with the storm door.'d it go removing the dead bodies? I wonder if they eat their dead?

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My stepbrother had tried to run out the door and hold it shut because my sister was chasing him and slammed his hand right though the glass and son was chasing his brother and missed the handle and put his hand through the door, lol. Good luck Theresa I hope he doesn't have any damage. The dog ate my little eyedropper thingy so I had to use the fatter one but I got them cleaned out. Mine came with some fancy superfood that is supposed to make them change color. I wonder if thats what I am seeing that looks like a seed. There are for sure some new babies in there though so who knows. I don't think they eat the dead ones since they had been in there a while before I remembered to ask.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    LMAO Kristy..I just told DD about your super food stuff, and she yelled "Thats no fair!!" lol.
    Thats pretty cool. Maybe that is what you are seeing? What color is it supposed to make them?

    When I was about 5 I ran through a full length glass door. I was all cut up. I will never forget that day. I was so excited I wanted to show my babysitter my new pool tube, had an animal head on it. I thought the door hadnt closed all the way, and I ran right through the whole thing and didnt even know it. I started crying when I saw my tube around me deflating, and then the babysitter freaked. I didnt even realize I was bleeding till she picked me up to bring me back inside, then I saw my arm. All the cuts and blood didnt even bother me, I was just devastated my new tube had popped. I still have scars from that. We lived at my grandmother's at the time, and that made my grandfather use safety glass when he reaplced it. I'll never forget that girl's face while her and my brother sat at the top of the back steps looking at me. Thought her eyes were gonna pop out, lol.

    The thing w/your stepbrother and sister is basically what happened with my son as well. DD was trying to shut it on him to keep him out..dopey kids, man.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for your concern, Kristy & Daniella. He severed the tendon on top off his ring finger. The surgeon also had to remove quite a few pieces of glass in his wrist,very close to an artery and nerve. He was lucky it didn't sever them! Glad it's over. What a Bday present. Tomorrow he'll be 20.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I was worried he may have hit a tendon. Thank god the artery and nerve didt get severed! I wanted to call you today, but I was nervous I might call while you were talking to a doc or something. Didnt know what time surgery was. Was thinkin about you guys all day. Give him a hug for me and tell him I said Happy Bday!!

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