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Warning: lots of pictures

xerophyte NYC
14 years ago

Earlier this week I went on a photo rampage and started snapping away. Here are a bunch of random plants I wanted to share.

Mixed bowl of colorful succulents


Mixed tray of succulents


Cotyledon undulatus, cool leaves


Avonia quinaria pot


Blossfeldia from seed


Astro caput-medusae seedlings


Aztekium ritteri from seed


Pachy namaquanum entering a brief dormancy


Tray of Conophytum also entering, or already in dormancy


Dioscorea elephantipes from seed, sleeping for the summer{{gwi:557085}}

Cyphostemma juttae waking up{{gwi:557086}}

Cyhostemma currori, waking up, young leaves have a wonderful texture


New Cypho juttae leaves{{gwi:557088}}

Mainly some S. Africans


More S. Africans, mostly from seed


Americans 1


Americans 2


Agave 'Blue Glow'


Agave victoria-reginae


Euphorbia enopla, the spines were much brighter last month


Common Kalanchoe, but you gotta love the fuzzies


What collection is complete without Echinocactus grusonii


Aloe pillansii 1


Aloe pillansii 2


Aloe ramossissima with Aloe aculeata


Crassula ovata 'undulatifolius', great wavy leaves


Pachyphytum oviferum


Nice crinkly Echeveria


Pastel Echeveria


mini-leaf Jade


Mammillaria blooms






One of my faves, Mamm perez-delarosea


Another Echinocereus


Mamm luethyi, first time bloomer for me, on its own roots


Another view of Mamm luethyi


Euphorbia polygona 'Snowflake'


Taller 'Snowflake'


Nice Adromischus coloration


Cotyledon orbiculata, as white as can be


Another great textured plant, Adromischus marianae 'herrei'


Small white Adromischus


Adromischus have awesome leaves


Another nicely colored Adro


The last Adro, polka dots


Copiapoa cinera, great color and symmetry


Pot of Rebutia heliosa


Eriosyce getting ready to pop


Not a particularly attractive plant, but the flowers are spectacular on this Echinocereus


Formerly Lobivia famatimensis, forming a bud


Another Erioscyce (Neochilenia) getting ready to bloom


rebutia marsoneri ready for a show

Aloe Doran black

Gasteria elephiae, great leaves

Cool hybrid, Gasteria 'Snowflake'

Nice variant of Gasteria armstrongii

Hoodia macrantha, what a stench!

Blooming Echinocereus

Gymnocalycium bruchii, dainty

Mammillaria lenta

Mammillaria deherdtiana, one of the best Mamm flowers

Turbi lophophorioides, blooms all season long

Strombocactus disciformis hidden behind flowers

A fully cold hardy Delosperma

Love the close-up textured Echeveria

A different Echeveria

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