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New plants - good or bad?

17 years ago

So what did you try this year? How did you like it?

I bought a black Colocasia this spring and am thrilled with it - it started with a few 2-3 inch long leaves and it now has 8 foot long leaves! And it'll be bigger next year! Very impressive looking. I'm hoping for a few babies when I dig it up, but mostly I hope I can overwinter it so that I have a *huge* plant next year.

I also bought a Rodgersia podophylla. It has put out some new growth but seems to be a slow starter. It can have some nice orange tints to its leaves, but I didn't get any. Either it's too young yet, or it needs more sun to bring out the colours. Still love the leaves though.

Some 'odds and ends' I picked up on sale at the local market have done really well. An unidentified Rex Begonia with black leaves has gotten huge. My cute little Sempervivums are putting out lots of babies - I guess I'd better figure out how I'm going to overwinter them!

A couple of purchases from last year have really taken off. My Japanese Painted Fern is huge, has been divided already and is ready for much larger pots. And my Cimicifuga (it's officially Actaea now, but it'll be awhile before that name change 'takes') is nice and big with three flower stalks - I bought it in a four inch pot last fall. It can be a slow grower, so this means it is really happy :-)

So far no plant disasters of any kind. I'll be crossing my fingers and knocking on wood that the rest of the year is as co-operative.


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