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Info for pioneer type tall spinach or plant used as spinach

15 years ago

My grandmother had a plant that self seeded every year. It was the first thing to come up in the spring. It was tall, and could grow to probably 3 or may be even 4 feet. I'm going by a 5 year old's memory.

The plant has a central cane. The leaves are an arrow head shape and could grow to probably 3 or 4 inches and quite wide.. Sizes depended on the time the leaves were picked of course.

The leaves are light green...

The seeds are in the center of a round tissue envelope. To hold one, the tissue disk is flat between the fingers with the actual seed in the center. The disk would cover the end of a pencil eraser .. or perhaps overlap a bit.

This plant might not be real spinach... but I'd love to get it and grow it. Cooked, this was very good in a cream sauce.

Does any one have a clue what this plant is or where I could get any seeds. My grandmother lived around Canora, Saskatchewan.


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